Ramp-Up Reminder: Verify Controlled Substances and Related Documentation

May 28, 2020

As a reminder to laboratories who are ramping up their animal-related research projects after a period of inactivity, controlled substances and documentation should be verified upon return to the lab, including:

Ramp-Up Checklist for Animal-Related Projects Involving Controlled Substances

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Conduct a ‘return’ inventory to verify that the controlled substances remain the same, including the number of containers and volume in each container. A witness must be present for the inventory.

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Review the Authorized Personnel Log to ensure that it remains up to date, including the removal of any staff members who are not returning. If new lab members will be using the controlled substances and/or have access to the storage location, they must:

  • Be added to the Personnel Log
  • Complete a Personnel Screening Statement
  • Be trained on the use of controlled substances in the laboratory as a new authorized user
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If controlled substances are expired, separate them from the in-date containers in the storage location (e.g., drawer, safe, fridge, etc.) and label them as "expired" to satisfy IACUC requirements. Initiate the controlled substance disposal process through the U-M Department of Environment, Health & Safety (EHS), and Drug and Lab Disposal (DLD).



  • If you have questions or need more information about any of the steps above, please contact the Controlled Substances (CS) Monitors at cs-monitors@med.umich.edu.
  • If your question is urgent, you can page the CS Monitors (pager #31685) via the Health System Paging System. Enter your message and phone number into the Non-Clinical Paging Form located at the bottom of the page.