To help keep the research community apprised of important updates and changes impacting animal care and use at the University of Michigan, ULAM Faculty Veterinarians will be hosting virtual Vet Check-In Meetings in September 2022.
In addition to addressing facility-specific and user-submitted questions, veterinarians will also discuss several topics of interest, including:
- Upcoming changes to euthanasia consolidation procedures for mice,
- Upcoming expired drugs and substances policy changes,
- Training Core and technical services updates, and
- AAALAC 2023 Site Visit preparations.
No RSVP is required to attend; however, Level-1 U-M login credentials will be required to log in to the Zoom meetings.
At least one member from each lab is encouraged to attend a meeting with the ULAM Faculty Veterinarian who provides care and oversight for the facility where the lab’s animals are housed.
If you have questions or concerns about ULAM Faculty Vet Check-In Meetings, please contact the ULAM Business Office at [email protected] or (734) 764-0277.