Report Animal Concerns

Report Animal Concerns

ANIMAL CONCERN HOTLINE: (734) 763-8028 OR [email protected]

The University of Michigan is strongly committed to the humane care and use of animals in research, training, and instruction. Any member of the faculty, staff, student body, or public having reason to question the treatment of animals at U-M should report any suspected cases of animal abuse, misuses, or mistreatment.

U-M will not tolerate any misuse or mistreatment of animals.

To report an animal welfare concern:

Anonymous concerns* may be submitted using the submission form below. If you have an animal that requires immediate attention, please use the contact information located below to request veterinary care.

Reports can also be submitted to ANY of the following:

Animal Concern Hotline(734) 763-8028[email protected]
U-M Attending Veterinarian(734) 764-0277[email protected]
Chair, Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee(734) 763-8028[email protected]
Institutional Official, U-M Office of Research(734) 936-2680[email protected]
U-M Compliance Hotline(800) 990-0111[email protected]

How reported concerns are investigated

Acting on behalf of theĀ Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC), all reports are investigated by theĀ Animal Care & Use OfficeĀ and, if necessary, by a veterinary faculty member from theĀ Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM).

When a concern is reported, immediate steps are taken to ensure the welfare of any animal or human associated with the allegation. The IACUC is apprised of all investigations and their outcomes and may make additional recommendations as the situation warrants.

Actions taken to minimize occurrences of noncompliance are based on:

  • The seriousness of the incident and/or
  • The number of incidents that occur on all protocols under the direction of the Principal Investigator

The cornerstone of the Policy on Investigating Noncompliance and Animal Welfare Concerns is a three-step corrective action escalation process pertaining to the investigation, and confirmation of, noncompliance and animal welfare concerns reported within the U-M community. This process has been summarized in the Noncompliance Policy Helpful Information Sheet.

*Anonymous reports are acceptable, and all are investigated. The identity of anyone making an anonymous report will be held in strict confidence. Federal laws prohibit discrimination or reprisal for reporting violations of standards and regulations promulgated under the Animal Welfare Act.

Requesting Veterinary Care

Monday ā€“ Friday
6:00 AM ā€“ 5:00 PM
Call ULAM at
(734) 936-1037

Monday ā€“ Friday
5:00 PM ā€“ 6:00 AM
Call DPSS at
(734) 763-1131

Weekends & Holidays
Contact the on-site
Veterinary Technician
at (734) 936-1037

Obtaining Veterinary Care


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