Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee
The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) ensures that the highest animal welfare standards are maintained along with the conduct of accurate, valid scientific research through the supervision, coordination, training, guidance, and review of every project proposed to include the use of vertebrate animals or cephalopods at the University of Michigan.
Well-established procedures, similar to those used to monitor human subjects research, are used for reviewing and monitoring animal research, teaching, and testing projects conducted under University auspices.
The IACUC – along with veterinary staff specializing in laboratory animal medicine – carefully review the goals, objectives, and scientific benefits of all proposed projects to ensure that:

The project will benefit human or animal health,

The proposed research complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines,

Humane use guidelines are followed and all animals involved are provided with the best possible treatment and professional veterinary care,

Those who will be working with the animals have received the proper training, and

Proper practices and procedures are in place to reduce as much pain and/or distress to the animals as possible.
The IACUC is ultimately responsible for approving, requiring modification of, or prohibiting the use of vertebrate animals in research, teaching, or testing activities. In addition to reviewing and approving animal use applications and protocol modifications, the IACUC also approves changes to the University’s policies governing animal care and use, and conducts announced and unannounced inspections of animal care and use locations.
IACUC Structure
At the University of Michigan, the IACUC is appointed by the Vice President for Research, who also serves as the Institutional Official ultimately responsible for animal care and use, a duty delegated by the President of the University. The Committee consists of members who serve rotating terms and includes scientists, non-scientists, veterinarians, and members of the general public who help advise the Vice President for Research on U-M’s Animal Care & Use Program.
Rules & Regulations
In its advisory role, the IACUC ensures that U-M’s Animal Care & Use Program continues to operate in accordance with all applicable rules, regulations, policies, standards, and guidelines that govern the humane, responsible, and judicious use of vertebrate animals.
A brief summary of the federal rules and regulations governing the use of vertebrate animals in research, teaching, or testing activities is outlined below:

Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare: The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) is a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the regulating body for all activities funded by the federal government, including the NIH and National Science Foundation (NSF). OLAW’s primary standards are the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (PHS Policy), and the Guide for the Care and Use of Animals (The Guide).

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) oversees activities involving the use of vertebrate animals at government-registered research institutions. The USDA receives its authority through federal law (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7 and 9). Veterinary Medical Officers enforcing the 7 and 9 CFRs inspect research organizations at least annually.

Specific Funding Sources & Research Sponsors: Specific funding sources, such as the Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and foundations, may require additional rules and regulations. Institutions receiving money from these organizations are responsible for following all other requirements for the humane care and treatment of any vertebrate animal used in field or laboratory research and educational training.
If you would like to know more about how U-M’s Animal Care & Use Program is accredited, please visit our our Accreditation page.
Related A-Z Documents
References and Resources
U-M Charge to the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (PDF download)
Self-Guided Evaluation of Animal Activities & Protocol Content Form (PDF download)
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IACUC Are You Inspection Ready? Checklist (PDF download)
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For more information about the IACUC, please contact the Animal Care & Use Office at [email protected] or (734) 763-8028.