Report Animal Concerns

New Breeding Sheets, Pup Counting Procedures Go Into Effect June 1


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In an effort to be more transparent and accurate in our reporting to the NIH and OLAW, who are interested in knowing the precise number of animals being used to answer important scientific questions at U-M, we will begin accounting for all animals bred for research via new breeding sheets effective June 1, 2018.

The new breeding sheets apply to all species that are barcoded and bred in-house, and include columns for weaned animals as well as young animals that were euthanized or died prior to weaning.

After the June 1 implementation date, pup counting procedures will be as follows:

If…Where to Record**Who Should Record
Animals are REMOVED prior to weaningBreeding SheetULAM or laboratory staff (whomever finds the animals)
Animals are found dead PRIOR TO weaningBreeding SheetULAM or laboratory staff (whomever finds the animals)
Animals are found dead AFTER weaningDead Animal Log located on the back of each doorULAM

**Note: Dead animals will continue to be recorded on cage cards.

When recording animals, please also remember to use numerals and NOT hash marks.

We understand that these changes may impact the animal use numbers on your approved protocol(s). Animal use numbers can be increased and/or adjusted by completing a protocol amendment. Questions about how to add animals to your protocol should be directed to the Quality Assurance Team at [email protected].

Questions or concerns about pup counting/breeding, or about how the new breeding sheets may impact your research, should be directed to your ULAM Faculty Veterinarian.

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