Report Animal Concerns

Obtaining Veterinary Care Signage


The “How to Obtain Veterinary Care” sign is posted outside each facility’s animal vivarium to provide information for research personnel needing to report animal health concerns.

The sign has recently been updated and improved to more readily identify veterinary care team contacts throughout the day.

During normal business hours, as defined by the sign (pictured right), a phone number for the ULAM Veterinary Technician Office is provided.

After hours, a phone number for the U-M Division of Public Safety & Security (DPSS) is provided. The DPSS representative will forward your call to the veterinary care team.

It is the responsibility of animal research personnel to report animal health concerns to the ULAM veterinary care team. Additionally, the information provided is essential to expediting the call.

When calling in an animal health issue,
be prepared to provide:

  • Species
  • Building
  • Room number
  • Rack/Slot number, if applicable
  • Clinical number, if applicable
  • Description of health condition
  • Your name and phone number

Once this information is received, a member of the veterinary care team will locate the animal and provide treatment, as necessary.


Please contact [email protected]with questions or concerns.

Last updated: