Report Animal Concerns

Reminders for Laboratories Using USDA-Regulated Species

Facilities Federal Regulations & Standards Husbandry

USDA logo with orange Reminders banner below

The Animal Care & Use (ACU) Program is committed to providing the U-M research community with the tools and resources necessary for safeguarding animal welfare and assuring programmatic compliance.

To that end, we have several important reminders for laboratories using USDA-regulated species (e.g., all live or dead warm-blooded animals except rats of the genus Rattus and mice of the genus Mus bred for research):

  1. Remain vigilant to email The size and complexity of U-M’s research operations often require us to share information via email, including notifications about USDA inspections of our animal care facilities.
    • Add [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] to your Address Book or list of approved senders to ensure that you continue receiving email messages and updates from the ACU Program.
    • Individuals using the “Focused Inbox” feature in Outlook may also need to check their “Other” folder for automated messages from systems such as eRAM, which may have been incorrectly routed.
    • Keep personnel information up to date on all approved animal use protocols. Step-by-step instructions are available via the eRAM: Add Personnel Reference Document.
  1. Familiarize yourself with Stop & Check Signs Posted in all USDA housing rooms, Stop & Check signs outline four simple tasks that all personnel should complete BEFORE exiting the room.
  2. Review the USDA Inspections webpage yellow lock icon  Available on the ACU Program’s website using valid Level-1 U-M login credentials, this webpage contains important information needed to prepare for USDA inspections, including a just-in-time checklist that is updated on a regular basis to highlight key focus areas.


  • Questions or concerns about the proper procedures for maintaining USDA housing rooms should be directed to your facility’s ULAM Husbandry Supervisoryellow lock icon
  • Questions pertaining to animal facility inspections, or the rules and regulations that govern the use of USDA-regulated species, should be directed to the Animal Care & Use Office at [email protected].

Thank you for your diligence and attention to these matters, and for your commitment to the highest standards of compassionate and humane laboratory animal care and use.

yellow lock icon denoting level-1 U-M login required for access Links marked with a lock icon can only be accessed using valid U-M login credentials.

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