Winter 2018 semi-annual IACUC facility inspections concluded on Thursday, March 22. As a result, you may receive several different inspection notifications through the eRAM system.
If a finding is noted in a space for which you are responsible, you will receive a request via eRAM to resolve the “Action Item(s).”
If a finding is noted in a shared space where a specific lab cannot be identified, it is expected that all parties will collaborate to resolve the concern and respond accordingly to the action item(s).
There are two categories of inspection findings:
Deficiency (DEF)
Suggestion for Improvement (SFI)
- Requires correction and a plan to eliminate reoccurrence;
- Requires a formal response (i.e., written) to the action item; and
- May involve an IACUC investigation (depending on seriousness; please refer to the Policy on Investigating Noncompliance and Animal Welfare Concerns for more information)
- Requires consideration as an opportunity to enhance the quality of your program/laboratory; and
- Does NOT require any response in eRAM or via email
Please note that action items will be assigned to the PI, but he/she can delegate the responsibility of responding to another lab member by logging into eRAM, navigating to the action item, and selecting the “Manage Secondary Assignee” activity.
Responses to action items in eRAM can include, but are not limited to:
- The issue has been resolved by (detail corrective action)
- We have submitted a request for resolution to ULAM/U-M Facilities/EHS/etc.
As a reminder, the semi-annual inspection process is used by the IACUC to ensure that U-M continues to operate within the policies, standards, and guidelines that govern animal care and use. We also use this as an opportunity to assess the strengths and areas for continued improvement in our Animal Care & Use Program.
Questions, comments, or concerns regarding this process are welcome!
The Animal Care & Use Office can be reached at (734) 763-8028 or [email protected].