Report Animal Concerns

Tools & Resources to Protect Your Valuable Mouse Strains

Shield icon with mouse and DNA strand

Sperm cryopreservation is exceptionally valuable and should be a standard practice to regularly and routinely protect your research, specifically valuable mouse strains that may be extremely rare or unique, including transgenic lines. 

There are many programs and services available, both at the U-M and beyond, to help you preserve these critical research resources:

  • The U-M Transgenic Animal Model Core offers multiple cryopreservation services for mice and rats, including sperm cryopreservation and recovery. To request this service, log in to MiCores ( and navigate to the Transgenic Animal Model Core. Click on the Request Services tab to “Mouse Cryopreservation Services” to fill out a submission form.
  • Jackson (JAX) Laboratory offers a variety of resources, including both sperm cryopreservation and recovery services. Also available, the JAX Sperm Cryo Kit allows you to preserve valuable strains while eliminating the need to ship animals. More information is available on the JAX website.
  • The Mutant Mouse Resource and Research Centers (MMRRC), supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is a national consortium of breeding and distribution facilities that also serves as an information coordinating center and NIH-funded repository of spontaneous and induced mutant mouse and cell lines. The MMRRC consists of four regional centers and one Informatics, Coordination and Service Center:
  • Re-launched in Fall 2022, the My Strain collaboration tool is a unique way to help foster cross-unit collaboration through the provision of a secure platform for U-M researchers to responsibly share information about their transgenic mouse strains. More information, including instructions on how to opt-in to share your data with others across campus, is available on the My Strain webpage.


If you have any additional questions about transgenic mouse strains, or how to preserve your essential mouse lines, please reach out to your ULAM Faculty Veterinarian.

If you don’t know your faculty veterinarian, send an email to [email protected] and your question will be routed appropriately.

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