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Expected Adherence to Revised Rodent Euthanasia Guidelines & Procedures

Expected Adherence to Revised Rodent Euthanasia Guidelines & Procedures

01/01/2023 12:00 am

Health shield icon with mouse and rat silhouettes and text reiterating important guideline changes and reminders

The Guidelines for Rodent Euthanasia Procedures for Investigative Personnel were recently updated to provide additional clarification on the expectations for all personnel who perform euthanasia in rodents.

All individuals who perform rodent euthanasia, especially in mice and rats, should review the revised guidelines and important reminders for CO2 euthanasia to ensure that they understand their individual responsibility for safeguarding animal welfare and minimizing any potential sources of distress throughout the entire procedure – including consolidation, handling, and transport.

The revised guidelines will take effect on January 1, 2023.

Changes have been announced now to provide labs sufficient time to make any necessary modifications to their existing processes, consult with their ULAM Faculty Veterinarian on questions or concerns, and seek additional training or education as needed.

After January 1, individuals who are found to be conducting procedures inconsistent with institutional guidelines and/or their IACUC approved protocol may be reported for non-compliance, pursuant to standard practices.

Please review the original announcement for more information about these changes.


  • Questions or concerns about performing CO2 euthanasia in rodents may be directed to your ULAM Faculty Veterinarian.
  • If you don’t know your veterinarian, send an email to [email protected] and your question will be routed appropriately.
Review the Full Announcement for More Information

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