The eResearch Animal Management (eRAM) system is scheduled to undergo an upgrade beginning on Friday, May 21, 2021, at approximately 5:00 PM and lasting through approximately 6:00 AM on Sunday, May 23.
During this time, the entire eRAM system will be offline and unavailable to process:
- Animal orders
- Animal transfers
- Protocol submissions
- Protocol amendments
- Protocol reviews and approvals
The system status can be checked at any time during the scheduled outage window by visiting the ITS Service Status webpage.
A summary of all changes can be found on the eRAM Release Notes Page and in updated eRAM Step-By-Step Guides that will be released during the system upgrade.
- Contact your Quality Assurance Specialist in the Animal Care & Use Office with questions about protocol submissions, amendments, approvals, or reviews.
- Questions about animal orders, transfers, or billing should be directed to the ULAM Business Office at [email protected].
- Technical assistance may be requested via the ITS Help Center at its.umich.edu/help or [email protected].