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EHS Offers New Tools, Resources for Field Studies


The Department of Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) has recently updated their website to provide additional tools and resources for individuals conducting field research.

Updates include:

  • Checklists to help plan for projects and emergency situations
  • Links to information on training and incident reporting
  • Fact sheets with links to more information about diseases, environmental hazards, activity hazards, and more

Visit the EHS website for additional EHS Field Research Safety Guidance. Please note that the tools and resources listed on this page do NOT pertain to IACUC policies governing field research that involves vertebrate animals. As such, this information has no impact on IACUC approval of any protocol(s) related to field research involving vertebrate animals.


If you have general questions about field research that do NOT pertain to animal care and use, please contact the EHS Office.

For specific questions about field research involving animals, please contact a member of the Quality Assurance Team in the Animal Care & Use Office at [email protected].

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