The Quality Assurance Team (QA)in the Animal Care & Use Office is a resource designed to instill a feeling of high compliance confidence in your laboratory!
Did you know?
A meeting with the QA is…
A meeting with the QA is NOT…
An inspection
Focused on identifying noncompliance
Designed to minimize burden
A laundry list of items for the laboratory to complete
Aimed at facilitating compliance

Contact the QA Team today and take advantage of the many services offered!
A standard meeting includes:
- An open discussion of individual concerns regarding the Animal Care & Use Program;
- Discussions concerning the regulations, policies, and guidelines applicable to an individual’s research;
- Assistance in preparing for regulatory inspections;
- Identification and resolution of protocol deviations through education and/or protocol amendments;
- Amendment submission on behalf of the PI to increase clarity, flexibility, and consistency within the protocol; and/or
- Assistance in finding resolutions to difficulties specific to individual laboratories.
Additional services offered upon request include:
- Training and materials necessary to complete regular self-audits aimed at preventing noncompliance (Note: this is the number one way to prevent protocol noncompliance!);
- Pre-review (prior to submission) of new protocols, protocol renewals, and amendments to facilitate a faster IACUC review;
- Presentations (for departments or individual laboratories) on regulations in animal research and how compliance facilitates research; and/or
- A comprehensive evaluation of laboratory practices.
Questions or visit requests can be submitted via email to the QA Team at [email protected]. Questions and requests may also be submitted to a specific Quality Assurance Specialist.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!