The Animal Care & Use Program is pleased to announce the re-launch of a unique collaboration tool, My Strain, in the eResearch Animal Management (eRAM) system.
Originally piloted in 2018, My Strain aims to promote interdisciplinary research collaboration through the responsible sharing of information about transgenic mouse strains.
Available only to U-M Principal Investigators (PIs) and PI Proxies (as defined by eRAM), the platform can be used to:
- Identify specific transgenic mouse strains being used at the U-M,
- Connect with colleagues to inquire about potential collaborations,
- Ask about the performance of a specific strain, and
- Inquire about best practices in breeding a strain.
How to Share and Submit Your Data
PIs and PI Proxies can opt-in to My Strain via eRAM to have their strains included in the cross-campus list. Step-by-step instructions for opting in are available on the eRAM Reference Materials webpage.
Upon opt-in, strains you purchase will automatically populate via the Rodent Strains tab in eRAM. You will also be able to view strains purchased by other participating labs on campus. Participation is completely voluntary. All information contained within the platform is accessible only via valid Level-1 U-M login credentials and after agreeing to abide by specific terms and conditions of use.
Please note that My Strain submission data are currently limited to strains purchased from vendors. Strains are automatically removed after three years or may be voluntarily removed at any time.

Learn More
More information, including a list of FAQs and educational resources for best practices in genetic quality control and proper strain nomenclature, can be found on the My Strain webpage.
Questions or concerns about including your strain data should be directed to your ULAM Faculty Veterinarian. Questions may also be submitted to My Strain Project Lead Tara Martin, DVM, DACLAM, at [email protected].