To help keep the research community apprised of important updates and changes impacting animal care and use at the University of Michigan, ULAM Faculty Veterinarians hosted veterinary check-in meetings in November 2024.
If you were unable to attend a meeting and would like to learn more about what was discussed, meeting resources are now available to review and download.
Discussion topics included:
- Recognizing male mouse behavior and fighting
- Appropriate volume limits for administering substances
- Managing dehiscences in surgical models
- Handling emergencies (e.g., fire alarms) that impact animal work
- Information about using immunodeficient strains and the impact of Corynebacterium bovis
- Other updates/reminders: reusing barcodes, changes to sharps disposal, and more
Meeting slides, which include embedded hyperlinks for quick access to additional content, are available via U-M Dropbox (or paste animalcare.umich.edu/ulam-vetcheck-resources into your web browser) using valid U-M login credentials.
A comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions from the meetings has also been compiled and pre-sorted by topic area: veterinary care, husbandry, training, and facilities/safety.
All meeting materials will be available through Friday, February 14, 2025.
If you have additional questions or concerns about any of the topics covered during these meetings, please reach out to your ULAM Faculty Veterinarian directly. A conversation with your veterinarian can also optimize many different aspects of your research, including:
- Proper anesthesia/analgesia regimens
- Use of antibiotics or other adjunctive drugs
- Surgical techniques
- Project/study design
If you don’t know your faculty veterinarian, send an email to [email protected] and your question will be routed to the appropriate contact.
Links marked with a lock icon can only be accessed using valid U-M login credentials.