Report Animal Concerns

ULAM Continuing to Monitor External Cases of Avian Influenza – H5N1


The highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), also known as H5N1, which has been widespread in wild birds and other mammals since February 2022, has been detected in dairy cattle across several Michigan counties.

Although HPAI is primarily transmitted between wild birds, the virus can potentially spread to other mammals who come into direct contact with an infected animal or through indirect exposure to items that have been exposed to the virus (e.g., equipment, feed).

While it is believed that the overall risk of virus transmission to laboratory animals – specifically pigs and sheep – remains low, Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) Faculty Veterinarians are closely monitoring this situation and will keep the U-M animal care and use community apprised of any changes that may impact their research.

Study Teams who work with large animal models (i.e., those most susceptible to interspecies virus transmission) may also wish to review the following resources, which are updated on a regular basis as this situation continues to evolve:

State-Level Resources:

National Resources:


Please contact your ULAM Faculty Veterinarian with any questions or concerns you may have. If you don’t know your faculty veterinarian, send an email to [email protected] and your question will be routed to the appropriate contact.

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