To ensure the safety and well-being of the animals being transported, as well as the safety of personnel in areas where animals must pass, all individuals involved in animal care and use should familiarize themselves with the Procedures for Animal Transportation.
In addition to outlining species-specific transport instructions and ways to minimize environmental stressors to maintain animal health status, the recently updated procedures also include important information about transporting animals in personal vehicles:
Transportation of animals in vehicles NOT specifically designated for such purposes (e.g., personal cars) is highly discouraged and is only possible in extenuating circumstances with appropriate justifications.
If transportation in such vehicles is necessary, the following additional requirements must be met:

Any PI who has plans for transport in such vehicles must have a complete description of this method in their approved IACUC application.

All shipments must be in escape-proof primary enclosures, which must provide adequate ventilation and be sanitized after use. Contact a ULAM Shipping Coordinator at (734) 764-0277 for enclosures.

All primary enclosures must be placed in the vehicle on, or in, waterproof materials/containers that can be either immediately discarded or immediately disinfected upon completion of the shipment. Such materials will protect the vehicle from contamination by animal-based fluids. These containers must not inhibit proper ventilation.

All shipments must be quarantined in some fashion upon arrival at the destination so as not to be a risk to other animals in the facility.

Live animal shipments cannot be placed in the trunk, or another non-ventilated enclosed space, of such a vehicle. The animals must be able to receive the benefit of the climate control systems available in the vehicle.
Additional information about transporting animals with experimental hazards, proper donning of Personal Protective Equipment, and ULAM services available to assist with animal transport to and from campus can be found in the complete Procedures for Animal Transportation.
Questions or concerns should be directed to your ULAM Faculty Veterinarian. If you don’t know your faculty veterinarian, send an inquiry to [email protected] and your question will be routed appropriately.