Have You Completed the Research Re-Engagement Training Module?

June 9, 2020

Computer screen icon showing COVID-19 training moduleAs an important reminder, all employees returning to on-site research operations are required to take a COVID-19 personal safety training module PRIOR TO re-entering any re-activated building.

The module covers several topics, including:

  • Workplace infection control practices
  • Proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Steps the employee must take to notify the University of any symptoms of COVID-19, or a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19
  • How to report unsafe working conditions

The training is available in My LINC (COVID-19: Working Safely in U-M Research Areas).

The safe and successful execution of this early ‘pilot’ phase of the research re-engagement process is critical to the University’s mission and to the entirety of the U-M’s ongoing operations. We must individually and collectively demonstrate that all members of the U-M research community are following all requisite safety guidelines and taking all necessary safety precautions during this especially precarious time. Therefore, please remember that “if you see something, say something.”

Lab safety issues, including personnel who may be ill or who are not following safety protocols, should be reported via the U-M Compliance Hotline. Non-urgent concerns can also be sent to the Department of Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) at (734) 647-1143 or ehs-covid-19-reporting@umich.edu.

Suspected cases of animal abuse, misuses, or mistreatment should be submitted via the Animal Concern Hotline.