Designating an individual, or individuals, who can be available to serve as a spokesperson for your laboratory during the upcoming AAALAC Site Visit is a requisite step for ensuring that your team – and our institution – is prepared to host the Site Visit Team later this summer.
The process for designating and managing spokesperson(s) for your laboratory has recently been simplified with the addition of the “Manage Visit Spokesperson” functionality in eRAM, and should now take approximately five minutes to complete.
This new functionality is available to Principal Investigators (PI), PI Proxies, and members of the Quality Assurance (QA) Team in the Animal Care & Use Office.
Within the Manage Visit Spokesperson workspace, you’ll be able to quickly:
- Identify which members of your laboratory will serve as spokesperson(s),
- Add or modify existing contact information, and
- Rank the order in which members should be contacted in case of emergency or other unforeseen circumstances.
Step-by-step instructions can be found on the ITS Documentation website. Please note that this activity is independent of your protocol and does NOT require an amendment.
Spokespersons can be updated at any time and can be used for multiple purposes, including future semi-annual facility inspections by the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee as well as visits from the QA Team in the Animal Care & Use Office.
- To learn more about the expectations and responsibilities of Designated Laboratory Spokespersons, visit the AAALAC How to Prepare webpage.
- Questions about this new functionality should be sent to the Animal Care & Use Office at [email protected] or (734) 763-8028.
Links marked with a lock icon can only be accessed using valid U-M login credentials.