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Tips & Tricks for Managing Shortcodes in eRAM

Shortcode management in eRAM is critical for ensuring that the correct shortcodes are appropriately charged for Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) activity. The “Shortcode Manager” role in eRAM can be assigned to individuals so they can assist with the administrative management of shortcodes. The Principal Investigator (PI) or individuals already designated as a Shortcode ...
Desktop computer screen showing eRAM Adding a Shortcode Manager Instructions

Federal Regulations & Standards IACUC

Birds Now Covered by the AWA / AWR: What Researchers Can Expect

On August 21, 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) amended the Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations (AWA / AWR) to include the oversight of birds. Consequently, some researchers performing animal research or teaching activities involving birds may be required to adhere to additional regulatory requirements. Determining What is Now Covered by ...
Icon of birds sitting on a branch with USDA logo

Facilities Husbandry ULAM

ULAM Welcomes Two New Assistant Husbandry Managers

The Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) is pleased to announce the addition of two new members to the ULAM Husbandry Management Team. Lindsey Allen, BS, RLATG, and Renee McUmber, BS, RLATG, who have both served as ULAM Husbandry Supervisors, will be transitioning to their new roles as Assistant Managers on the ULAM Husbandry Management ...
Name tag icon that says "My Name is a New Member of Your Animal Care Team"

ULAM ULAM Pathology Core

ULAM In-Vivo Animal Core Renamed ULAM Pathology Core

The Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) In-Vivo Animal Core (IVAC) has been renamed the ULAM Pathology Core. This change better reflects the current work and focus of the core, whose mission is to provide diagnostic support for U-M’s veterinary and animal care programs as well as comprehensive research pathology services for research investigators across ...
Microscopic zebrafish image

Facilities Husbandry Safety SOP

Prior Justification, Approval Required for Transporting Animals in Personal Vehicles

To ensure animal health and welfare and minimize exposure to environmental stressors that may alter study results, transporting live animals in vehicles NOT specifically designed for such purposes (e.g., personal cars or public transportation) is generally NOT permitted. Transporting animals in personal vehicles is ONLY permissible AFTER the following requirements have been met: Transporting Animals ...
Personal vehicle and public transportation prohibited icon

Facilities IACUC

IACUC Semi-Annual Inspections Begin Tuesday, February 6

The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) will begin its next round of semi-annual facility inspections on Tuesday, February 6, 2024. Inspections will run through March and include any animal rooms, surgical suite support spaces, and areas where procedures are conducted with animals. Winter 2024 Facility Inspection Schedule View the complete Winter 2024 Institutional ...
Facility inspection checklist reminder icon


New ULAM Per-Diem Rates Go Into Effect January 1, 2024

As the animal care providers for all research and educational activities at the U-M, the entire Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) team takes great pride in its service and support of the U-M research community. In the spirit of this important partnership, we remind you of upcoming changes to ULAM’s husbandry per-diem rates. These ...
January 1 calendar reminder icon

Drugs Guidelines Policies

Additional Tools to Support the Responsible Use of Drugs, Substances, and Other Agents in Animal Studies

The Animal Care & Use Program has created three new tools to assist the U-M research community with navigating the many nuanced requirements for the proper administration and use of medical materials, drugs, agents, and other substances in animal studies: These tools are designed to complement existing resources such as the Quick Reference Sheet: Monitoring ...
Navigating the proper use of substances and agents with animals decision tree icon

Facilities Guidelines Husbandry IACUC Policies Safety

Lessons Learned from Fall 2023 Semi-Annual Facility Inspections

The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) completed its latest round of semi-annual facility inspections in mid-September. These inspections are one of the most important tools we have for routinely assessing programmatic strengths and identifying areas for individual and collective improvement(s) in service to the animals entrusted to our care. Through this lens of ...
Multi-colored graph showing common deficiency areas identified during Fall 2023 semi-annual IACUC facility inspections

Facilities Husbandry Safety SOP ULAM

Be in the Know Before You Go: Procedures for Safe Animal Transport

Any individual who MAY be responsible for transporting animals on campus should be familiar with the Procedures for Animal Transportation. This document includes detailed species-specific transport instructions, information about donning of Personal Protective Equipment, methods for avoiding exposure to potential pathogens, and techniques to minimize environmental stressors (e.g., temperature extremes, odors, excessive noise). Whether moving ...
Handle with Care yellow and orange animal transportation procedures reminder icon with green health shield