Report Animal Concerns

Winter 2022 Semi-Annual IACUC Facility Inspections Begin

The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) will begin its next round of semi-annual facility inspections on Tuesday, February 1, 2022. Inspections will run through mid-March and include any animal rooms, surgical suite support spaces, and areas where procedures are conducted with animals. On behalf of our IACUC members – many of whom are ...

ULAM Box to DropBox Migration, Some Files May Be Temporarily Unavailable

Coinciding with the entire University’s migration of cloud storage from U-M Box to DropBox, the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) will be migrating its files beginning on Friday, July 2 at approximately 6:00 PM – Monday, July 5 at approximately 6:00 PM. During the migration window, affected ULAM files/folders that have been shared with ...
Box to Dropbox document transition icon

ACU Program Box to DropBox Migration, Some Files May Be Temporarily Unavailable

Coinciding with the entire University’s migration of cloud storage from U-M Box to DropBox, the Animal Care & Use (ACU) Program will be migrating its files beginning on Friday, June 25 at approximately 6:00 PM – Monday, June 28 at approximately 6:00 PM. During the migration window, affected files/protected links (often denoted with a  icon) you ...
Box to Dropbox document transition icon

eRAM System Unavailable/Offline

The eResearch Animal Management (eRAM) system is scheduled to undergo an upgrade beginning on Friday, May 21, 2021, at approximately 5:00 PM and lasting through approximately 6:00 AM on Sunday, May 23. During this time, the entire eRAM system will be offline and unavailable to process: The system status can be checked at any time during the ...
Computer screen showing eRAM Upgrade 5.0 Overview of Changes

ULAM Technicians May Begin Using Gloved Hands for Mouse Cage Changing

ULAM’s standard cage changing practices have required Animal Technicians to use forceps when transferring mice between cages for the past two decades. In an effort to help mitigate associated ergonomic risk(s) while still ensuring that overall animal health and safety are maintained at all times, ULAM re-evaluated our mouse cage changing techniques and reviewed the practices ...