Careful monitoring and assessment of animals throughout the anesthetic, sedation, and recovery period(s) is critical for maintaining animal welfare.
As such, all personnel who perform these procedures should review the Anesthesia and Sedation Monitoring Guidelines, which were recently updated to more clearly differentiate the anesthetic and recovery periods, as well as articulate the expectations for animal monitoring throughout each period.
It is expected that personnel will remain within visual contact of the animal(s) for the entire anesthetic period. Regarding the recovery period, the guidelines now outline specific parameters that must be met in order for personnel to step out of visual contact with an animal; required monitoring methods and timing/check-in intervals are also included.
Please note that no animal should ever be left unattended while under anesthesia for an active surgery or procedure.
For detailed instructions on species-specific anesthesia and analgesia regimens, please visit the Animal Care & Use (ACU) Program’s Research A-Z website.
- General questions about appropriate anesthesia, sedation, or monitoring techniques should be directed to your ULAM Faculty Veterinarian.
- If you have an animal in need of immediate veterinary care, please follow the instructions outlined by the Obtaining Veterinary Care Sign posted in every facility vivarium and on the ACU Program website.
- Additional training on anesthesia/analgesia techniques is available at no charge through the ULAM Training Core ([email protected]).