Report Animal Concerns

Facilities Safety

Collaborating to Build A Safer, More Secure Animal Care & Use Community

As your partners in conducting responsible research to benefit both human and animal health, members of the Animal Care & Use Program and, by extension, our collaborators across campus, place the utmost importance on the safety and security of our U-M research community. To this end, we would like to draw your attention to two ...
Building icon with security shield check mark

Facilities Safety

We’re Looking for a Few Good Research Role Models

With many new faculty, staff, and students descending upon campus to start the new academic year, we’re looking for a few good research role models. You may wonder, what makes a good research role model? Any individual in any position (student, administrator, faculty, staff, technician, etc.) can serve as an exemplary research role model for ...
Rat photo with Looking for a Few Good Research Role Models sign

Facilities Safety

The Importance of Proper Sharps Disposal

Needlestick injuries are often a reality for nurses and lab personnel who regularly use needles in their day-to-day operations. Unfortunately, when needles and other sharps are not properly disposed of, these injuries can be incurred by individuals whose roles don’t involve handling of needles and who are otherwise unaware of their presence – including ULAM ...
Blue dangerous needlestick icon

Facilities Husbandry

Animal Care During an Emergency Reduction in Operations

Each and every member of our animal care team understands the important role that they play in the success of your research through their provision of quality, daily care to each and every animal housed on campus. During the University’s recent emergency reduction in operations, all animals continued to receive the same high standards of ...
Animal care during emergency reduction in operations icon

Facilities Husbandry ULAM

Acetates: A Means of Communication

How can you ensure your animals receive the special chow your research requires? How do you tell your room husbandry technician that you don’t want your breeding cages disturbed immediately following a new birth? How do the veterinary personnel know which cage needs immediate attention due to a health concern? The answer to these questions ...
Picture of animal room acetate box with multi-colored blank acetates

Facilities Husbandry ULAM

Important Update Regarding Transition to Paper-Based Bedding in Rodent Housing Facilities

We understand that there may be some ongoing confusion regarding the process of transitioning rodents from corn cob (Bed-O’Cobs®) bedding to a recycled paper-based bedding (Pure-O’Cel®) in rodent housing facilities across campus. The Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) has used this material as an alternative bedding for quite some time in select cases to address ...
Update icon


How We Prepare for the Unexpected and How Your Lab Can Help

As many of you are keenly aware, we experienced a damaging windstorm in early March that caused frequent and, in some cases, prolonged power outages that affected buildings across campus for several hours. Our animal care and use team works in close partnership with U-M’s Division of Public Safety & Security (DPSS), as well as ...
Icon of a checklist on a clipboard