Report Animal Concerns

Facilities SOP ULAM

How to Request Veterinary Care

Reporting animal health concerns promptly using the appropriate channels is critical for maintaining animal welfare. We ask that all research personnel review the following information carefully to ensure that they know how to obtain veterinary care during normal business hours and after hours, including weekends and holidays. When to Report Animals in need of immediate ...
Phone icon calling veterinary care team


ULAM Continuing to Monitor External Cases of Avian Influenza – H5N1

The highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), also known as H5N1, which has been widespread in wild birds and other mammals since February 2022, has been detected in dairy cattle across several Michigan counties. Although HPAI is primarily transmitted between wild birds, the virus can potentially spread to other mammals who come into direct contact with ...
Veterinary caduceus and information bubble icon

Husbandry ULAM

Effective January 1, 2025: Revised ULAM Husbandry Per-Diem Rates

Service and integrity are paramount to the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine’s (ULAM) partnership and support of the U-M research community. In the interest of this service-oriented mission, we remind you of recent changes to ULAM’s per-diem rates, which went into effect January 1, 2025. These changes are outlined in greater detail on the Rates ...
January 1 calendar reminder icon


Resources, FAQs from Fall 2024 ULAM Faculty Vet Check-In Meetings Now Available

To help keep the research community apprised of important updates and changes impacting animal care and use at the University of Michigan, ULAM Faculty Veterinarians hosted veterinary check-in meetings in November 2024. If you were unable to attend a meeting and would like to learn more about what was discussed, meeting resources are now available ...
PDF and FAQ document icon

Guidelines ULAM

Expectations for Anesthesia and Sedation Monitoring

Careful monitoring and assessment of animals throughout the anesthetic, sedation, and recovery period(s) is critical for maintaining animal welfare. As such, all personnel who perform these procedures should review the Anesthesia and Sedation Monitoring Guidelines, which were recently updated to more clearly differentiate the anesthetic and recovery periods, as well as articulate the expectations for ...
Animal health monitoring form with magnifying glass icon


Animal Ordering Tips & Tricks

Ordering animals through the appropriate channels is critical for ensuring that your project gets off to the right start. All the informational resources needed to place an order can be found on the Animal Ordering & Acquisition page of the Animal Care & Use Program website. As a reminder, all animal orders MUST be placed ...
Woman looks at laptop computer screen with eRAM user interface and quick tip icon with yellow lightbulb in blue hexagon


Yvonne Cornejo, DVM, PhD, DACLAM, Joins ULAM Faculty

The Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) is pleased to welcome Yvonne Cornejo, DVM, PhD, DACLAM, as our newest Faculty Veterinarian. Dr. Cornejo comes to the University of Michigan (U-M) from Alta Sciences Preclinical in Sacramento, California, where she primarily worked with NHPs as a Clinical Veterinarian. She received her veterinary degree from Western University ...
Yvonne Rosales Cornejo, DVM, PhD, DACLAM


Connect with Your ULAM Faculty Veterinarian this Fall

As part of the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine’s (ULAM) efforts to provide a collaborative, partnership-based approach to animal care at the U-M, ULAM Faculty Veterinarians will be hosting several check-in meetings at locations across campus this November. In addition to discussing facility-specific needs, a variety of other topics will be covered, including: Time will ...

Drugs ULAM

Update on Nationwide IV Fluid Shortage

As you may be aware, Baxter IV Solutions, a main supplier of Michigan Medicine’s IV products, was heavily impacted by the recent hurricane in North Carolina. In the coming weeks, it is expected that large volume IV fluids/irrigation ranging from 250mL to 5000mL will be in short supply in human clinical patient settings nationwide. This ...
Picture of IV fluid bags with information icon that says Supply Shortage What to Know

ULAM ULAM Pathology Core

Specialized Research Support Services Available Through ULAM, MMPC Cores

The Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) Pathology Core and Germ-Free Mouse Facility both work in close collaboration with the Michigan Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center in Live Models (MMPC-Live) to offer specialized research support services to Study Teams working with mouse models to advance scientific understanding of metabolic dysfunction – including diabetes, obesity, and related ...
Researcher examines white germ-free mouse