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IACUC Semi-Annual Facility Inspections Start Monday, March 10

Facilities IACUC

The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) will begin its next round of semi-annual facility inspections on Monday, March 10, 2025.

Inspections will run through Thursday, March 13, 2025, and include any animal rooms, surgical suite support spaces, and areas where procedures are conducted with animals.

As a reminder, the Animal Care & Use Program has recently transitioned to a one-week condensed schedule for all semi-annual facility inspections. This revised format more closely aligns IACUC processes with those used by external oversight bodies (e.g., AAALAC and the United States Department of Agriculture) and aims to reduce Study Team burden while also ensuring that the IACUC is able to fulfill its regulatory oversight responsibilities.

Winter 2025 Facility Inspection Schedule

View the complete Winter 2025 IACUC Semi-Annual Facility Inspection Schedule
by pasting
* into your web browser.

*Please note: valid U-M login credentials are required to access.

INSPECTION Schedule Available via pdf

Facility Inspection Reminders

  • Please designate at least one individual to serve as a spokesperson for your laboratory. This individual should have detailed knowledge of the animal use procedures outlined in your laboratory’s IACUC approved protocol AND be able to provide access to locked cabinets, drawers, or storage areas that contain drugs and other medical materials.
    • If no Designated Spokesperson has been identified in eRAM, then it is assumed that the PI will serve in this capacity.
  • Laboratory visits are generally scheduled in four-hour increments to account for a variety of factors. As such, the Animal Care & Use Office (ACUO) is unable to make scheduling adjustments. Although every effort will be made to adhere to the distributed schedule, unforeseen circumstances may result in schedule deviation(s). It is strongly recommended that laboratories identify AT LEAST TWO other individuals to serve as secondary contacts to fill-in in case of emergency or last-minute personnel changes.
  • For inspections with a ULAM focus:
    • Each inspection will begin in SPF animal housing areas, though this may be altered for biosecurity purposes
    • Only ULAM Husbandry Supervisors need to be present

Preparation Resources

We encourage you to review the following tools and resources with your staff – including any students who conduct research in your laboratory – to help prepare for inspections:


Please contact the Animal Care & Use Office at [email protected] with any questions or concerns about semi-annual IACUC facility inspections.

yellow lock icon denoting level-1 U-M login required for access Links marked with a lock icon can only be accessed using valid U-M login credentials.

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