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Overhauled ULAM Phone System

The Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) has recently overhauled its customer service phone system. The call in experience will now more closely mimic similar customer service phone calls with audible feedback when you are being connected to a live staff member, on hold, or routed to voicemail. This new system will provide a more ...
Phone icon with text that reads "Updated Phone System Now Live"

Guidelines IACUC ULAM

Updated Guidelines for Humane Rodent Euthanasia

The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) has recently approved several important changes to the guidelines for humane rodent euthanasia. These changes are summarized below and available in the revised Guidelines for Rodent Euthanasia Procedures for Investigative Personnel document available on the Animal Care A-Z website. All personnel who perform rodent euthanasia, especially in ...
Health shield icon with mouse and rat silhouettes and text reiterating important guideline changes and reminders


My Strain Collaboration Tool Re-Launches in eRAM

The Animal Care & Use Program is pleased to announce the re-launch of a unique collaboration tool, My Strain, in the eResearch Animal Management (eRAM) system. Originally piloted in 2018, My Strain aims to promote interdisciplinary research collaboration through the responsible sharing of information about transgenic mouse strains. Available only to U-M Principal Investigators (PIs) ...
My Strain logo with New Collaboration Tool Available in eRAM text over image of DNA strand


On-Demand Resources from Fall 2022 ULAM Faculty Vet Check-In Meetings Now Available

To help keep the research community apprised of important updates and changes impacting animal care and use at the University of Michigan, ULAM Faculty Veterinarians hosted virtual Vet Check-In Meetings in September 2022.  If you were unable to attend a meeting and would like to learn more about what was discussed, meeting resources are now ...
Laptop and file download icon with text reading Now Available: On-Demand Resources from Fall 2022 Vet Check-In Meetings


Annual Reminder About Observers, Students in a Classroom Setting, and Other Short-Term Personnel

Although short-term personnel, including students in a classroom setting, and observers may not be required to complete certain mandatory training requirements, all individuals involved with the Animal Care & Use Program must be kept apprised of important obligations related to responsible research conduct, occupational health and safety, and the humane, judicious use of animals in ...
Screenshot of QR Sheet for Students & Short-Term Personnel with sticky note reminder to review and share document


Cornerstone Learning Coming November 7

MLearning – the learning management system for all animal care and use training classes provided through the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) Training Core – is being replaced by a new platform, Cornerstone Learning, on Monday, November 7.  MLearning Blackout Dates MLearning will be offline starting Thursday, November 3, at 5:00 PM through Monday, ...
So long, MLearning article promotion graphic with link to project website

eRAM Safety

Review EHS Safety Findings to Protect Your Lab Personnel

Principal Investigators (or their proxies as assigned in eRAM) are required to identify any hazardous materials and operations that may be used as part of their animal use protocol. Based on the specific details (e.g., species, hazard type, dosage, route of administration) provided by the Study Team, the U-M Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Department ...
Computer screen illustration with magnifying glass reviewing simulated EHS safety findings

NIH Announces New Data Management & Sharing Policy

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced a new Data Management & Sharing Policy which goes into effect in January. This policy applies to all research funded or conducted, in whole or in part by the NIH, that results in the generation of scientific data. All grant applications submitted on or after January 25, 2023, ...
New NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Effective Jan 25, 2023 graphic


Connect with Your ULAM Faculty Veterinarian at Fall Check-In Meetings

To help keep the research community apprised of important updates and changes impacting animal care and use at the University of Michigan, ULAM Faculty Veterinarians will be hosting virtual Vet Check-In Meetings in September 2022. In addition to addressing facility-specific and user-submitted questions, veterinarians will also discuss several topics of interest, including: No RSVP is ...
Fall 2023 Faculty Vet Check-In Meetings icon of people sitting at table having conversation


Jean Nemzek Named ULAM Assistant Director for Research

The pursuit of comparative medicine and basic science research is fundamental to the academic mission of the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM), and to data-driven advancements in animal health and welfare programs. Likewise, the nurturing of faculty efforts to pursue scholarly projects and answer important research questions is essential to support comparative medicine research ...
Jean Nemzek, DVM, MS, DACVS headshot


2022 LARCC Program Now Accepting Applications

The Laboratory Animal Research Coordinator Certification (LARCC) Program, a unique education and networking opportunity designed to boost compliance knowledge across all aspects of the U-M Animal Care & Use Program, is now accepting applications for the 2022 Cohort. The 2022 LARCC Program will run from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM every Tuesday beginning September 13 through ...
LARC certification emblem over image of staff members having discussion. 2022 LARCC Program Cohort Applications Due Friday, September 9