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AAALAC 2023 Site Visit Schedule, Additional Preparation Resources Now Available

AAALAC Drugs Facilities Safety

AAALAC International logo with 2023 Site Visit dates underneath

As a reminder, Site Visitors from AAALAC International (AAALAC) will be on campus for the U-M’s re-accreditation visit beginning Tuesday, June 13 through Friday, June 16, 2023. During this time, you should anticipate a visit to all animal housing locations as well as visits to many laboratories.

To help you feel confidently prepared to host the AAALAC Site Visit Team in a few short weeks, we would like to direct your attention to the following tools and resources:

New Resources

Additional Resources

  • Five AAALAC Essentials – Every laboratory should finish – at a minimum – five essential actions prior to the AAALAC Site Visit. Get started at
  • Designate Your AAALAC Spokesperson – Use this form, now available in eRAM, to identify a spokesperson(s) in your laboratory that will be available to meet with the AAALAC Site Visit Team.
  • AAALAC Laboratory Preparation Checklist – Developed specifically for the Site Visit, this checklist will help you focus on key program trends and areas for continued improvement.
  • Build Your AAALAC Blueprint – Customize your preparation path by selecting specific topics of interest based on your laboratory’s research and receive a curated list of recommended resources to focus your preparation efforts.

We also want to remind you of our third and final in-person AAALAC Preparation Town Hall happening on Wednesday, May 31 from 2:30pm – 3:30pm. Individuals who have not participated in a prior AAALAC Site Visit or who may be new to animal care and use at the U-M are strongly encouraged to attend, as are individuals who may have any last-minute questions about the visit.

Finally, if you were unable to participate in the first annual GOLD Day on Friday, May 5, please take a moment to Go Organize, Label, and Dispose of drugs, medical materials, surgical supplies, and other substances in your laboratory. This critical task should be completed on a regular (e.g., at least monthly) basis to help protect animal welfare and avoid incidents of non-compliance. Visit our GOLD Day webpage for more information.


Questions or concerns about the AAALAC Site Visit should be directed to the Animal Care & Use Office at [email protected] or (734) 763-8028.

Thank you for your diligence in preparing for this most important re-accreditation visit. Your partnership and support are greatly appreciated.

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