After several years in the Victor Vaughan building on U-M’s medical campus, the Animal Care & Use Office (ACUO) has moved to the North Campus Research Complex (NCRC).
Although the ACUO’s physical address has changed, the primary methods for contacting the office – phone and email – remain the same. The ACUO Main Office can be reached at (734) 763-8028 or [email protected].
Phones are answered during normal university business hours (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday), except on U-M observed holiday and season days. Individuals sending general email inquiries to [email protected] can typically expect a response from office staff within two business days.
For Additional Assistance
The ACUO Team is available in a myriad of ways to assist with compliance-related questions pertaining to the responsible use of animals in research.
Use the following as a general guide to help route any questions or concerns you may have:
Questions About…
- General questions about IACUC inspections
- Canceling expired protocols
- Processing animal transfer forms
The ACUO Main Office at (734) 763-8028 or [email protected].
- Processing protocols and amendments
- Guidance on programmatic policies
- Assistance with interpreting federal animal care and use regulations
- Preparing for IACUC semi-annual facility inspections
- Identifying and resolving protocol deviations
- Finding resolutions to lab-specific problems
Specific questions or inquiries related to these topics can be directed to the Quality Assurance Team at [email protected].
General inquiries may also be directed to the ACUO Main Office at [email protected] or (734) 763-8028.

Members of the QA Team also offer select virtual office hours each week for the U-M research community to drop in (via Zoom) and receive assistance. Visit the Virtual Office Hours webpage for more information.
Reporting Animal Concerns
The ACUO continues to maintain a 24-hour hotline for reporting animal concerns. Suspected cases of animal abuse, misuse, or mistreatment should be reported via the Animal Concern Hotline.** Anonymous reports are acceptable, and all are investigated.
**If you have an animal in need of immediate care, please contact ULAM veterinary care staff. Contact information can be found on posters hung throughout all animal care facilities and via the Animal Care A-Z website (see Obtaining Veterinary Care).
We thank you for your patience during this transition and look forward to optimizing our service and support of your research projects.