Report Animal Concerns


My Strain Collaboration Tool Re-Launches in eRAM

The Animal Care & Use Program is pleased to announce the re-launch of a unique collaboration tool, My Strain, in the eResearch Animal Management (eRAM) system. Originally piloted in 2018, My Strain aims to promote interdisciplinary research collaboration through the responsible sharing of information about transgenic mouse strains. Available only to U-M Principal Investigators (PIs) ...
My Strain logo with New Collaboration Tool Available in eRAM text over image of DNA strand

eRAM Safety

Review EHS Safety Findings to Protect Your Lab Personnel

Principal Investigators (or their proxies as assigned in eRAM) are required to identify any hazardous materials and operations that may be used as part of their animal use protocol. Based on the specific details (e.g., species, hazard type, dosage, route of administration) provided by the Study Team, the U-M Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Department ...
Computer screen illustration with magnifying glass reviewing simulated EHS safety findings

eRAM Federal Regulations & Standards IACUC

Annual Reviews Eliminated for USDA Studies

February 9, 2022 Update: Individuals with protocols involving a USDA-regulated species that are funded by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) should contact the Quality Assurance (QA) Team in the Animal Care & Use Office for additional guidance on how the federal Animal Care & Use Review Office (ACURO), the administrative oversight body for ...
Screenshot of APHIS Announcement Regarding Elimination of Annual Reviews for Most USDA Studies


Medical Surveillance Clearance Requirement for Protocol Approval

Institutions are responsible for maintaining an Occupational Health & Safety Program (OHSP) as part of their overall animal care and use program. This program must comply with all federal, state, and local regulations, and should focus on maintaining a safe and healthy workplace. The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for overseeing ...
People icons on protocol interface illustration


New PI Proxy Role Available in eRAM June 10

In response to overwhelming feedback provided by the research community during Animal Care & Use Office (ACUO) Quality Assurance Visits, the ability to assign an individual to act on behalf of the Principal Investigator (PI) on a protocol in the eResearch Animal Management (eRAM) system will be available starting Monday, June 10, 2019. The new ...
eRAM login screen with add user icon


Semi-Annual Inspections, Findings, and eRAM Action Items

Winter 2018 semi-annual IACUC facility inspections concluded on Thursday, March 22. As a result, you may receive several different inspection notifications through the eRAM system. If a finding is noted in a space for which you are responsible, you will receive a request via eRAM to resolve the “Action Item(s).” If a finding is noted ...
Laptop computer with magnifying glass showing eRAM welcome screen

eRAM Training

PIs and Laboratory Contacts: Know What Training is Due for Your Protocol

Principal Investigators and Laboratory Contacts can easily monitor IACUC training requirements for their laboratory personnel. Training reports in eRAM may be viewed, downloaded, or printed, and are updated daily (overnight). Where to Find Protocol Training Reports When to Run Training Reports Changes to the personnel and animal handling details of your protocol may change IACUC ...


eRAM Launches Two New Tools for Study Teams

Printer Friendly Animal Use Protocols eRAM now offers printer friendly versions of all animal use protocols. A frequently requested feature, this update also includes: In preparation for the AAALAC Site Visit, and to ensure that site visitors are able to review protocols on one, standardized template, we ask that ALL Principal Investigators who keep printed ...
Printer icon