Report Animal Concerns

Guidelines Husbandry ULAM

Changes to CO2 Flow Rates

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) recently updated the Guidelines for Euthanasia of Animals. An important feature of the changes in the AVMA Guidelines includes updates to recommended carbon dioxide (CO2) flow rates for rodent euthanasia. Subsequently, the University of Michigan (U-M) has updated our practices and guidance documents to ensure that we are compliant with ...
CO2 flow meter icon denoting guideline changes coming soon

Forms Husbandry

Avoiding Common Mistakes When Completing Surgical Records for Mice (Mus) and Rats (Rattus)

The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals states that medical records are critical for documenting animal well-being; this includes a history of surgical procedures and post-operative care. The U-M Animal Care & Use (ACU) Program requires a peri-operative record for each rodent cage that contains post-operative animals. To simplify recordkeeping requirements, fillable ...
Surgical records illustration with mouse, rat, and vital signs icon

Husbandry ULAM

Travis Stein Named New Assistant Manager for Husbandry Services

We are pleased to announce that Travis Stein, RLATg, ILAM, has been named the new Assistant Manager for Husbandry Services in the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM). Travis has 11 years of experience in laboratory animal medicine, beginning as an animal caretaker and eventually moving into a supervisor role in 2011 at Georgetown University. ...
Travis Stein, RLATG, ILAM headshot

Facilities Husbandry

Animal Care During an Emergency Reduction in Operations

Each and every member of our animal care team understands the important role that they play in the success of your research through their provision of quality, daily care to each and every animal housed on campus. During the University’s recent emergency reduction in operations, all animals continued to receive the same high standards of ...
Animal care during emergency reduction in operations icon

Facilities Husbandry ULAM

Acetates: A Means of Communication

How can you ensure your animals receive the special chow your research requires? How do you tell your room husbandry technician that you don’t want your breeding cages disturbed immediately following a new birth? How do the veterinary personnel know which cage needs immediate attention due to a health concern? The answer to these questions ...
Picture of animal room acetate box with multi-colored blank acetates

Facilities Husbandry ULAM

Important Update Regarding Transition to Paper-Based Bedding in Rodent Housing Facilities

We understand that there may be some ongoing confusion regarding the process of transitioning rodents from corn cob (Bed-O’Cobs®) bedding to a recycled paper-based bedding (Pure-O’Cel®) in rodent housing facilities across campus. The Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) has used this material as an alternative bedding for quite some time in select cases to address ...
Update icon


New Breeding Sheets, Pup Counting Procedures Go Into Effect June 1

In an effort to be more transparent and accurate in our reporting to the NIH and OLAW, who are interested in knowing the precise number of animals being used to answer important scientific questions at U-M, we will begin accounting for all animals bred for research via new breeding sheets effective June 1, 2018. The ...
Blue stopwatch coming soon icon

Husbandry Safety SOP

Reminders for Transporting Animals Between Buildings and Throughout Campus

When transporting animals between animal care facilities (either from room to room, building to building, or through a public area), please remember that all methods of transport MUST, first and foremost, provide for the health and welfare of the animals. Transport must also: A comprehensive list of procedures for transporting all animal species within or ...
Purple reminder icon


Re-Evaluating Mouse Cage Changing Techniques: Use of Forceps vs. Gloved Hands

ULAM’s standard cage changing practices have required Animal Technicians to use forceps when transferring mice between cages for the past two decades. However, research, , , has shown that handling of animals with forceps is associated with a higher incidence of repetitive motion injuries in animal care and use personnel. In an effort to help ...

Husbandry Safety SOP

Take Special Precautions When Transporting Animals in Extreme Temperatures

Ensuring the overall integrity and well-being of animals in transport is essential to maintaining animal welfare and minimizing the effects of environmental variables on your research. In addition to avoiding exposure to potential pathogens and preventing injury, it is especially important to maintain the animal’s health status by reducing external stressors such as temperature extremes, ...
Transport truck and cold weather icons

Husbandry Safety

Animal Bites and Scratches: Prepare, Protect, Report

All animals are capable of inflicting bites and scratches. Small animals, such as laboratory rodents and rabbits, usually deliver relatively minor, albeit painful, wounds. Bites inflicted by larger animals can potentially result in tissue damage. Bite and scratch wounds can become infected by the animal’s normal bacterial flora found on the oral mucous membranes or ...
First aid briefcase with safety report icon

Husbandry Safety SOP

Updated Procedures for Animal Transportation Clarify Processes for Transport Involving Personal Vehicles

To ensure the safety and well-being of the animals being transported, as well as the safety of personnel in areas where animals must pass, all individuals involved in animal care and use should familiarize themselves with the Procedures for Animal Transportation. In addition to outlining species-specific transport instructions and ways to minimize environmental stressors to ...
Animal transportation icon