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Forms Guidelines

Reminders and Guidelines for Maintaining Animal Health Records

Maintaining accurate, up-to-date records for all animals under your care is critical to animal health. Incomplete and/or incorrect records of any kind (e.g., surgical/anesthetic/sedation, post-operative, health records, etc.) could result in unnecessary treatment or diagnoses, both serious animal welfare concerns, and lead to the collection of invalid research data. Please take a moment to review ...
Blue animal health record icon

Controlled Substances Drugs

Propofol to Be Handled As Controlled Substance Effective August 1

Effective August 1, 2018, Propofol will be handled and stored in the same manner as controlled substances. This change is applicable to all animal and analytical researchers across campus. To address ongoing security concerns, this change in how propofol is handled and stored is being made institution-wide (including Michigan Medicine). Detailed instructions for the handling and ...

Safety SOP

Safety Check: Animals Perfused with Paraformaldehyde and Formalin

Formalin and paraformaldehyde (PFA) are used as fixatives that act to preserve and stabilize cells and tissues prior to the examination process. The most common application of these agents is transcardial perfusion. Because formalin and PFA solutions emit formaldehyde gas, a known human carcinogen, safe handling of these agents and the appropriate disposal of all ...

Up in the Air About Removing Hair? Follow These Best Practices for Using Nair®

Many labs at U-M regularly use Nair® or depilatory cream for hair removal on rodents. When used properly, this can be a very effective method for removing hair prior to surgery or other procedures. In order to ensure animal health and well-being when using these or other related products, please review the following best practices: ...
Pink question mark icon


New Breeding Sheets, Pup Counting Procedures Go Into Effect June 1

In an effort to be more transparent and accurate in our reporting to the NIH and OLAW, who are interested in knowing the precise number of animals being used to answer important scientific questions at U-M, we will begin accounting for all animals bred for research via new breeding sheets effective June 1, 2018. The ...
Blue stopwatch coming soon icon

Husbandry Safety SOP

Reminders for Transporting Animals Between Buildings and Throughout Campus

When transporting animals between animal care facilities (either from room to room, building to building, or through a public area), please remember that all methods of transport MUST, first and foremost, provide for the health and welfare of the animals. Transport must also: A comprehensive list of procedures for transporting all animal species within or ...
Purple reminder icon


Re-Evaluating Mouse Cage Changing Techniques: Use of Forceps vs. Gloved Hands

ULAM’s standard cage changing practices have required Animal Technicians to use forceps when transferring mice between cages for the past two decades. However, research, , , has shown that handling of animals with forceps is associated with a higher incidence of repetitive motion injuries in animal care and use personnel. In an effort to help ...


Semi-Annual Inspections, Findings, and eRAM Action Items

Winter 2018 semi-annual IACUC facility inspections concluded on Thursday, March 22. As a result, you may receive several different inspection notifications through the eRAM system. If a finding is noted in a space for which you are responsible, you will receive a request via eRAM to resolve the “Action Item(s).” If a finding is noted ...
Laptop computer with magnifying glass showing eRAM welcome screen


Melissa Dyson Appointed U-M's Associate Attending Veterinarian, Deputy Director of ULAM

Melissa Dyson, DVM, MS, DACLAM, has been appointed the new Deputy Director of the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) and Associate Attending Veterinarian (AV) of the University of Michigan effective March 1, 2018. In this new role, Dr. Dyson will support William King, DVM, PhD, DACLAM, Assistant Vice President for Research – Animal Resources; ...
Melissa Dyson, DVM, MS, DACLAM

Husbandry Safety SOP

Take Special Precautions When Transporting Animals in Extreme Temperatures

Ensuring the overall integrity and well-being of animals in transport is essential to maintaining animal welfare and minimizing the effects of environmental variables on your research. In addition to avoiding exposure to potential pathogens and preventing injury, it is especially important to maintain the animal’s health status by reducing external stressors such as temperature extremes, ...
Transport truck and cold weather icons

Controlled Substances Drugs

Research Controlled Substances: State of Michigan and DEA Audit Preparedness

As an important reminder, the State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) and the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) can conduct unannounced inspections of registrants and their laboratories. The DEA is a law enforcement agency, and both the state and DEA can assess civil and criminal penalties. Non-compliance violations can result in increasing levels ...
Licensing and Regulatory Affairs logo with reminder icon