Report Animal Concerns

Controlled Substances Drugs Guidelines IACUC Policies

Important Expectations & Updates: Use of Expired Drugs and Medical Materials in Animals

Earlier this fall, we shared several important updates that will impact our research operations moving forward, including preparations for the U-M’s next re-accreditation visit by AAALAC, International in Summer 2023. Today, we are providing additional information on two of these updates – the revised Policy on the Use, Storage, and Expiration of Substances, Agents, and ...
Icon showing expired and in-date drugs separated on a shelf with a link to the Policy on the Use of Expired Drugs and Medical Materials in Animals

Guidelines IACUC ULAM

Updated Guidelines for Humane Rodent Euthanasia

The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) has recently approved several important changes to the guidelines for humane rodent euthanasia. These changes are summarized below and available in the revised Guidelines for Rodent Euthanasia Procedures for Investigative Personnel document available on the Animal Care A-Z website. All personnel who perform rodent euthanasia, especially in ...
Health shield icon with mouse and rat silhouettes and text reiterating important guideline changes and reminders

Drugs Facilities Guidelines Husbandry IACUC Policies Safety

Lessons Learned from Winter 2022 Semi-Annual Facility Inspections

The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) completed its latest round of semi-annual facility inspections in mid-March. These inspections are one of the most important tools we have for routinely assessing programmatic strengths and identifying areas for individual and collective improvement(s) in service to the animals entrusted to our care. Through this lens of ...
Multi-colored graph showing common deficiency areas identified during Winter 2022 semi-annual facility inspections


Are Your Equipment Sanitization Processes Validated and Up to Date?

To help Principal Investigators (PIs) and their labs remain consistent with the guidance for equipment cleaning, sanitization, and testing outlined by the Guide for the Care & Use of Laboratory Animals, the Animal Care & Use Program has an established set of guidelines to formalize the cleaning process for all equipment that does not go ...
Reminder icon to Review Your Lab's Sanitization Processes

Drugs Guidelines

Changes to Buprenorphine Dosing in Mice and Rats

October 2023 Update – Ethiqa XR® Storage & Use: Fidelis Pharmaceuticals, the company that produces Ethiqa XR®, the first FDA-indexed extended-release buprenorphine formulation specifically for mice and rats, recently announced a change to the drug’s storage requirements. Previously, once broached, each vial had to be discarded at 56 days. The company has now collected sufficient ...
Icons of Buprenorphine vials with dosing interval changes and rodent silhouettes

Forms Guidelines Husbandry

Enhanced Rodent Surgical Record Templates Now Available

Templates for the Rodent Surgery and Post-Operative Record (Notebook Size)  and Rodent Surgery and Post-Operative Record by Cage  have been recently updated to increase functionality and ease-of-use for research personnel. Specific changes include: To simplify recordkeeping requirements, templates are provided as fillable PDF documents that can be bookmarked, downloaded, and printed from the Animal Care ...
New banner with illustration of enhanced rodent surgical record templates

Guidelines Husbandry ULAM

Changes to CO2 Flow Rates

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) recently updated the Guidelines for Euthanasia of Animals. An important feature of the changes in the AVMA Guidelines includes updates to recommended carbon dioxide (CO2) flow rates for rodent euthanasia. Subsequently, the University of Michigan (U-M) has updated our practices and guidance documents to ensure that we are compliant with ...
CO2 flow meter icon denoting guideline changes coming soon


Are You Familiar With the New Sanitization Guidelines?

Earlier this year, the Animal Care & Use Program introduced two new guidelines to help formalize the cleaning process for ALL equipment that does not go to cagewash (i.e., not cleaned by ULAM). These guidelines were specifically developed as a resource to help Principal Investigators (PIs) and their labs remain consistent with guidance for equipment cleaning ...
Sticky note reminder to review the new sanitization guidelines


New Guidelines for Sanitizing Equipment Announced

To provide better management and control of environmental variables that may affect research integrity, the Animal Care & Use Program has introduced two new guidelines to formalize the cleaning process for all equipment that does NOT go to cagewash. The Guidelines for Manual Sanitization of Caging and Equipment outline new procedures for hand washing all ...
New Sanitization Guidelines icon

Forms Guidelines

Reminders and Guidelines for Maintaining Animal Health Records

Maintaining accurate, up-to-date records for all animals under your care is critical to animal health. Incomplete and/or incorrect records of any kind (e.g., surgical/anesthetic/sedation, post-operative, health records, etc.) could result in unnecessary treatment or diagnoses, both serious animal welfare concerns, and lead to the collection of invalid research data. Please take a moment to review ...
Blue animal health record icon