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Husbandry Safety

Animal Bites and Scratches: Prepare, Protect, Report

All animals are capable of inflicting bites and scratches. Small animals, such as laboratory rodents and rabbits, usually deliver relatively minor, albeit painful, wounds. Bites inflicted by larger animals can potentially result in tissue damage. Bite and scratch wounds can become infected by the animal’s normal bacterial flora found on the oral mucous membranes or ...
First aid briefcase with safety report icon


EHS Offers New Tools, Resources for Field Studies

The Department of Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) has recently updated their website to provide additional tools and resources for individuals conducting field research. Updates include: Visit the EHS website for additional EHS Field Research Safety Guidance. Please note that the tools and resources listed on this page do NOT pertain to IACUC policies governing ...
Blue tools and resources icon

Husbandry Safety SOP

Updated Procedures for Animal Transportation Clarify Processes for Transport Involving Personal Vehicles

To ensure the safety and well-being of the animals being transported, as well as the safety of personnel in areas where animals must pass, all individuals involved in animal care and use should familiarize themselves with the Procedures for Animal Transportation. In addition to outlining species-specific transport instructions and ways to minimize environmental stressors to ...
Animal transportation icon

U-M, ULAM Research Featured As Part of North American 3Rs Collaborative

The University of Michigan and the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM) share a strong commitment to the “Three R” principles of biomedical research: As part of this long-standing commitment to excellence and compassion in animal care and use, our Animal Care & Use Program has amassed a catalogue of in-house studies pertaining to best ...
Purple circle with 3Rs text

eRAM Training

PIs and Laboratory Contacts: Know What Training is Due for Your Protocol

Principal Investigators and Laboratory Contacts can easily monitor IACUC training requirements for their laboratory personnel. Training reports in eRAM may be viewed, downloaded, or printed, and are updated daily (overnight). Where to Find Protocol Training Reports When to Run Training Reports Changes to the personnel and animal handling details of your protocol may change IACUC ...


Have You Checked Your Eyewash Station This Month?

During the most recent round of semi-annual IACUC facility inspections, we encountered many instances of eyewash stations not being flushed monthly. These issues are not specific to one area, but have been found all across campus and in many laboratories. Proper care and regular maintenance of emergency eyewash stations is crucial to protecting your laboratory ...
Image of an eyewash station with reminder to check monthly ensure proper care


The Dangers of Needle Recapping and How to Protect Yourself

Recapping needles is extremely dangerous because it can result in accidental punctures of the fingers or hand, which can lead to potential exposure to hazardous chemicals, drugs, or infectious biological agents. How is Recapping Dangerous? How To Protect Yourself You can protect yourself by planning ahead for safe handling and disposal of needles without recapping. ...
Gloved hands recapping needle

Husbandry Safety

What You Should Know About Animal Allergies and Respiratory Protection

Workers in laboratories and animal areas are at risk of developing animal allergens due to contact with animals, animal bedding, excretion, and secretions. Most species of animals used in research have been identified as the source of allergic symptoms. The best approach for reducing the likelihood that a worker will develop an allergic reaction is ...


Safe Use of Isoflurane in Animal Research

Isoflurane is a halogenated anesthetic gas commonly used to anesthetize research animals. Although safer than other types of anesthetic gases such as enflurane and ether, care must be taken to minimize individual exposure to isoflurane. Waste anesthetic gas (WAG) is the small amount of anesthetic that may leak from the breathing circuit and enter the ...
Close up image of isoflurane machine